Nov 22, 2010

Random Ramblings

I am so glad that my year-long blogging quest is over because yesterday I was in NO mood to blog. Yesterday was just not a good day. It wasn't anything specific but it was just an accumulation of stuff. But I don't want to get into it.

I know for a fact that I don't miss blogging on Sundays. But you know what I miss most about the 365 Challenge? Reading everyone else's blogs.


I used to love to log in and see all the blog updates. Now instead of six-seven blogs, I only get a couple. I guess I am going to have to figure out another challenge because I miss reading those blogs. C'mon fellow bloggers! Let's see some blogs!

I have made a new friend named Randy. He is an older gentlemen and we have spent a few hours last week getting to know each other. I met him through another new friend of mine, Leslie Sansone.

Yeah, in an effort to lose some weight and to keep up with exercising, I now do these Walk Away the Pounds videos. And I have to admit that I like them and they are pretty enjoyable and you do get a good workout doing them. Usually videos like these are annoying. They have a host that goes way to fast and is way to cheesy and there are usually other people in the video that are just annoying as all out. I have found that these people are pretty normal and are not cheesy. These walking videos are almost all women, except for my new friend Randy. I am glad he is there so I don't feel so stupid marching around the house with a bunch of ladies.

I recommend them to anyone. In the last two weeks I have already lost the three pounds I gained from eating that EggNog Fudge.

Thanks Randy! You can see him way in the back.

This is my last week of the NaNoWriMo challenge and I am lacking motivation today. I have been writing on the fly with this novel. Not knowing at all where I am going with it. But last night while watching Sportscenter I think I know where to take it. And it is very close to its conclusion! I have written 37,024 words.

At least I don't have a lot of blogs to read so I can concentrate on my writing... *hint hint*

1 comment:

  1. Great ramblings! I really got a kick out of your description of those work out videos - it reminded me of when me and my mom used to workout to one of Jane Fonda's excercise videos from the 1980s - pure cheese!!
