Nov 10, 2009

School Daze: Sorry Shelley!

Day Ten

Writing about my dating experiences and courtship of Kristy reminded me of my love life (or lack thereof) prior to my wife. I didn't have many serious girlfriends aside from she-who-must-not-be-named whom I dated before Kristy. I had a small relationship with a girl right before my mission and I didn't have any girlfriends in high school. But my first official girlfriend came in seventh grade. Why do I call it official? Because she called me her boyfriend so I called her my girlfriend.

In seventh grade I attended what I called hell. Killarney Junior High School.

I am sure every time I write about ANY experience about Killarney I will say the exact same thing. It was hell. There are a few, very few bright spots about Killarney. The most obvious bright spot being that I only attended one year before I moved to Utah. Unfortunately the hell continued there.

But I was fortunate enough that I helped this new kid with his school work and he turned into the cool kid of the class. His name was Rob and I was happy to know him, this meager friendship protected me from some of the harsh realities of going to hell, I mean, Killarney.

His girlfriend Sandi had a friend named Shelley and she liked me. So I liked her in return. I didn't really like her, I liked the benefits that came with being her "boyfriend". My protection shield was raised even more. I remember one incident in particular. We were watching a play at a school assembly and some dork (must have been you Russell or James!) was sitting behind me kicking my chair. Rob told them to stop since I was sitting beside Shelley. "Don't bug them, they are in love." Yeah, I was in love, not with Shelley but with the protection I got from her!

Twenty years later and I still feel sorry for taking advantage of her. So I humbly and publicly apologize to Shelley for taking advantage of her feelings. I'm sorry Shelley.

Towards the end of the hideous school year, I became friends with a new girl in class named Lori. Luckily for me she liked me too and was friends with the "cool" people as well. Now Lori I liked. In fact, she was the first girl I kissed. On the cheek and on the last day of school.


  1. I had to go look up how old you are in seventh grade (12/13 years old). I think Shelley would accept your apology, we all do things like that to help us through our days especially when it's a rough environment.

  2. So true. You did what you had to do to survive.
