Mar 13, 2010

I'm Blogging in Sick

Day 133

Ugh. I am not feeling that great today. I was not feeling good last night so I went to bed early hoping that I would feel better today. And I didn't have any chocolate last night either.

I am not feeling like blogging either. So in honor of being queasy and not feeling good I present one of my favorite sick stories. This comes from my time serving an LDS mission to New York. I have been back and forth about sharing mission stories on the blog. I have already chronicled my time on my mission in a separate book and I don't want to use mission stories because it seems redundant. But maybe just this once...


December 22, 1993
Manhattan Day! Every three months we were allowed on a P-Day to go out of our mission and go to Manhattan and spend the day. This was my first one and I was sick as a dog! I could not let such a great opportunity pass me by so I forced myself to get my laundry and shopping down so we could run to Manhattan. It is such a cool place to be! We first went to the World Trade Centers. We spent most of the morning there. It is cool and you are so high in the air. The wind was blowing strong so we did not get the chance to go to the roof and be outside. I was feeling horrible, even sitting on Santa’s lap at the WTC didn’t cheer me up.

I started to feel worse than before so we stopped in at the Roy Rogers and had lunch. We then explored the Village in search of this store called Discorama. We finally found it and we bought a couple of cheap CDs. We had to stop in the McDonalds so he could use the bathroom. While I was waiting he bought me a Sprite. The Sprite helped a little as I dry-heaved over this wastebasket in the middle of the Village. Moyes must have sensed that I was really sick and we decided to go home.

The train ride home was awful. We must have waited for what seemed eternity. We finally got on the train and we headed home. It was the middle of rush hour and the train was packed. Usually people will fight for a seat and we as missionaries would give up our seats (if we had them) for other people to sit. This time I was in the mood to fight for a seat. When one opened I quickly jumped for it and sank into it feeling terrible. Moyes watched where I was and made sure that I was all right. I was feeling so sick that I must have fell asleep between stops. Our stop was the last one that the A train made so I gave in and fell asleep hardcore. I guess I was really out of it because when I awoke my face was pretty much perched on the boobs of the older lady sitting next to me! It startled me so bad that I jumped up and immediately apologized to her. Moyes was laughing his head off sitting across from me. The lady looked at me and said that I looked very sick and she did not want to disturb me when it looked like I was comfy! I am glad that there are real nice people out there! I do not know what I would have done if I were in her place. I was so embarrassed! We got home and I fell asleep right away.

Luckily Moyes didn't take a picture of me taking a nap on that lady's chest.

1 comment:

  1. Love the story... but I especially love the pictures!!!
